> But anyways, NetBSD is the best.

yes, this is obviously true.

on another (the original?) note, the relevant factor regarding
being able to open a scientific paper on multiple platforms is that it
be readable by as many people as possible -- even those
people who run windows.

OS belligerence is charming in its own way, but it's unrelated
to whether or not the average person can access the equations
in your work without booting into a particular operating system.

the brand newest version of acrobat is working fine for me
after uninstalling the older version.

for what it's worth, there's anecdotal evidence that it was a change
in the way that acrobat was dealing with certain fonts that they
broke in one version (i think that they were adhering to some
internal spec more stringently) and then fixed (probably because
it caused lots of problems for people).

or maybe it's not adobe's fault at all but something in windows.  :)

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