>  That's the real problem with Windows. I need a double boot, place
>  the OS on a FAT32 partition and have a copy of every file + an
>  image of the installed partition. Every day I fight against the
>  operating system I have paid for and if the OS doesn't let me
>  change it the nice way I have to do it the hard way. If I was
>  starting now, I would be a Linux user.

There's another way, and it's not too bad, depending upon how
often you want to switch operating systems.

Get a second drive.

I have been burnt by windows more times than I care to have
been (twice), so I decided to do the safest thing possible --
I don't even cross the streams.  I just separate the OSes onto
physically distinct drives, and in my case on different controller
types, which makes it super-easy to switch between them.

Yes, you can modify the boot loader on the main (windows) drive
so that it recognizes the second drive, but I do something even
less error-prone -- I just swap which drive is considered the boot
drive in my BIOS at boot time.  This takes about 2 seconds and
does the obvious thing that I want -- if I'm spending weeks in
FreeBSD, I don't have to do a thing until for some crazy reason
I want to switch back to windows (usually to play a game of some
kind, or to use some esoteric feature of my peripherals that
nobody has bothered to reverse-engineer yet).

Most windows-esque tasks are handleable in a modern unix
system: abiword and openoffice do a reasonable job at emulating
word and office, respectively (and openoffice is about as bloated
a chunk of code as you might expect as a result) can read and
save files from/into the relevant formats, and have about the
same ease/unease of use.  Gimp is a reasonable clone of
photoshop, although if you're a serious designer you already
have a mac and over $1200 worth of adobe software and are
doing it the right way.

There isn't, and this is actually a fortunate thing, yet any way to
use unix without at some point needing to use a command-line
tool.  This is what will keep it out of the hands of consumers for
a long time to come, but I think that it's an inherent fact of a
secure operating system.

Anything that runs in the same way that vmware runs is pretty
cool, although I'm not aware of anything mature and free that
does the same thing as well as it does (i'm sure that someone will
correct me on this point.)  If the company you work for will pay for
it, just tell them that you need a copy to get work done.  As of a few
years ago, it was working really well (vmware, that is -- the tactic is

The reason that NetBSD is so good is for a similar reason to the
reason that you like Windows95.  It is tiny.  Extremely tiny.  Moreso,
it will run on just about any hardware that you can still get to power
up.  Unfortunately, it comes with just enough tools to *compile*
everything that you need to use it.  So it's a fantastic way to learn
about unix, but not practical for people who want something that
has, say, a beautiful looking window system with knobs to control
everything about their operating system right out of the box (not
having these things is a good thing in my mind, though).

The reason that it isn't practical for most people is because you're
going to need to compile that window system, and there will be a
large and painfully recursive tree of dependencies that will need to
be compiled first.  If you enjoy this kind of one-time masochism in the
pursuit of knowledge, then it's well worth your time.

Linux is starting to be a good compromise for most folks, and ubuntu
is pretty popular these days, but I still think that FreeBSD
has the best compromise between features and kernel sanity for
someone moderately comfortable with unix.

I've seem windows users semi-easily switch to ubuntu without regret
or too much of a learning curve, but they will eventually find something
that doesn't work and/or is extremely difficult to do without using
windows.  It's just an issue of compromise -- people are so used to
rebooting their broken operating systems that they've forgotten
that it's not something that you're supposed to have to do!  Unix
boxes can brag about 10+ year uptimes, for crying out loud.

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