Petri Pitkanen wrote:
> 2008/4/9, Don Dailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>  >
>>  > Since I sell software, building Linux apps is out of the question, since
>>  > Linux users will insist that  I give them my work for free.
>>  >
>>  I don't have any issue whatsoever with making money by selling software
>>  either.   I'm not one of those guys that think this is somehow
>>  immoral.     I don't believe most Linux users think this either.
> Some of linux people think so but then again those individuals will
> not even steal your product as they use only free software and very
> strict on what licenses mean. But SW market on Linux is pretty  -
> other than professionalk SW likeHW  simulators etc.- small so I guess
> making only for windows if better option . Unless you develop on
> something likee QT which is fairly portable.
There is no question that if you want to sell software commercially,  
Windows is the way to go.   But it's not because of the mentality of the
users,  it's because Windows is simply a much larger market.    Windows
is the toy even your grandmother has,  it's a fine OS for women and
children  (just kidding :-)     But my point is that Windows is the
newbie OS and of course you will get much greater sales there.  (I'm not
berating it,  I realize that sophisticated smart people use and like
Windows too.)

I think there is a strong desire these days to not put your eggs in one
basket,  and it seems like every new programming language (or most of
them) has platform compatibility as one of their design goals.     In
fact that is what java is all about and the so called  "byte code
interpreter" that most high level languages champion.  

The reason I do a lot of stuff in tcl is that it is really mature and
extremely platform neutral.   It's not my favorite high level language,
but it's under-rated and better than just ok.     But it's the only one
I could find (when I was looking) that makes it easy to create
executables that run on several platforms without hassle.    The
executables are really just scripts wrapped up with a runtime,  but it
is a no-hassle way to deal with clients I have done work for that use
windows exclusively without requiring me to develop in Windows.     And
TK is pretty awesome, you can hack up a good GUI in just a few
minutes.         The cgos viewer is an example of a script I wrote in a
huge hurry at one sitting in one morning.    Of course it's not finished
or polished, but it works good enough until I get psyched up enough to
work on it again.   I didn't even know if it worked on Mac's until
someone tried it for me (and it did and I wasn't surprised.) 

- Don

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