2008/7/28 David Fotland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> The traditional programs are around 10 kyu, but the new ones are 2 to 4 kyu,
> at least on KGS.  I've seen some handicap games against dan players that are
> consistent with these ratings.
> It wouldn't surprise me to see 1 dan from an MC program before 2010, running
> on an 8 processor mainstream system.
> David

Here is a big catch for setting goals. 3-dan by which
organization/server/whatever. At what point of time? KGS has gone
through mane abrupt ratings changes and and I don't see any reason why
it would not go through such a thing in future as well. Currently 2k
KGS is about 5k EGF. So best of MC programs would still need about 7-9
stones handicap from European 3-dan (which is not well defined
strength either). That is about 700-1000 Elo-points and if we assume
100 elo gain  for a doubling of CPU power .....

So 1D KGS within year or two
     1D EGF   I doubt if that happen within 5 years, But if thre is a
new innovation on par with MC_UCT. Then maybe.

Petri Pitkänen
computer-go mailing list

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