Chris may be right with his implication that I talk too much these days, but just to keep things honest, the quote below is not exactly what I said. I said that others were wondering how much time it will be before the programs are beating the pros. My thought was that programs have advanced 7 to 9 stones in the last few years, and after this match, for the first time I think that programs will likely be competing evenly with pros within a decade. I am shocked to be thinking this ... I certainly did not think this yesterday.


On 7, Aug 2008, at 8:47 PM, terry mcintyre wrote:

This is from the AGA newsletter:

COMPUTER BEATS PRO AT U.S. GO CONGRESS: In a historic achievement, the MoGo computer program defeated Myungwan Kim 8P (l) Thursday afternoon by 1.5 points in a 9-stone game billed as
“Humanity’s Last Stand?” “It played really well,” said Kim, who
estimated MoGo’s current strength at “two or maybe three dan,” though
he noted that the program – which used 800 processors, at 4.7 Ghz, 15
Teraflops on a borrowed European supercomputer – “made some 5-dan
moves,” like those in the lower right-hand corner, where Moyogo took
advantage of a mistake by Kim to get an early lead. “I can’t tell you
how amazing this is,” David Doshay -- the SlugGo programmer who
suggested the match -- told the E-Journal after the game.
“I’m shocked at the result. I really didn’t expect the computer to win
in a one-hour game.” Kim easily won two blitz games with 9 stones and
11 stones and minutes and lost one with 12 stones and 15 minutes by 3.5
points. The games were played live at the U.S. Go Congress, with over
500 watching online on KGS. “I think there’s no chance on nine stones,”
Kim told the EJ after the game. “It would even be difficult with eight
stones. MoGo played really well; after getting a lead, every time I
played aggressively, it just played safely, even when it meant
sacrificing some stones. It didn’t try to maximize the win and just
played the most sure way to win. It’s like a machine.” The game
generated a lot of interest and discussion about the game’s tactics and philosophical implications. “Congratulations on making history today,” game organizer Peter Drake told both Kim and Olivier Teytaud, one of MoGo’s programmers, who participated ina brief online chat after the game. At a rare loss for words in a brief interview with the EJ after the game, Doshay wondered “How much time do
we have left? We’ve improved nine stones in just a year and I suspect
the next nine will fall quickly now.”
- reported by Chris Garlock, photo by Brian Allen

Terry McIntyre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

“Wherever is found what is called a paternal government, there is found state education. It has been discovered that the best way to insure implicit obedience is to commence tyranny in the nursery.”

Benjamin Disraeli, Speech in the House of Commons [June 15, 1874]

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