> You clearly don't understand the principles of alpha/beta pruning.  It
> is an "admissible" technique which means it guarantee's the same result
> as searching the entire tree, but only requires a very tiny subset of
> the entire tree.

Okay... congratulations... you are right... if you are able to generate a
completely pruned tree using alpha/beta pruning... you don't have to
generate the whole game tree. But exactly how are you going to do this? In
chess... you can look 9 moves in and quickly evaluate if a branch is looking
good or is looking bad (wow... you just lost a rook three moves in). It
seems you can't really do this until pretty deep in the tree for go. Plenty
of moves would look bad 20 moves deep.. but would turn out to be good 80
moves later. How can you know if a move is good or not until you move
towards the end of a branch? Isn't this just a little computationally
expensive? You need some sort of early evaluation function... and we don't
seem to have that yet.

It seems that alpha/beta pruning hit a roadblock a long time ago in go. Now
we have MC... which as you increase the number of samples.. you start to get
closer to an equivalent alpha/beta. But... there are still huge groups of
samples that are not checked... and if you want to somehow prove you have
the best move... how will you do it? Will you make the sample size
equivalent to the number of possible samples? How will you do this
practically? You can only state with a certain confidence that you did make
the best move and this would be bound by our computational resources.

It is pretty obvious that go has many computationally difficult sub
problems. MC is a shortcut... and we don't know yet how it will perform in
the wild.

> Let's say you have 381 possible first moves and you find that the first
> one you look at wins the game by 6.5 points.

That is a huge if. Man.. I would love the algorithm you did that with (or
the hardware). You really looked at one opening move.. and realized that it
won by 6.5 points, unconditionally? Was this somehow considered practical?
Or are we on a machine that has as much time and space as you want?

I don't know... most of your emails are pretty condescending and you tend to
only respond to a point that you see a weakness in. In fact, I am not sure
if you have made any kind of concession towards my viewpoint. So far... I
got a nice illustration about how your data is a duck and a nice explanation
that seemed tailored to a three year old. I have yet to be given your
sources of information. Plenty of times.. I hear it is proven scalable to
perfect play... and the only paper I can imagine you are talking about is
the bandit problem paper. After I read it... it seems that it is not used as
an argument of practicality.. which is the way you used it. It is used as an
argument of correctness. I also heard of overwhelming empirical evidence
that this will scale to beat humans. Someone else sent me your personal
experiments on 9x9 and 13x13. I do not really see how this obviously means
it will scale in the same way vs. a human (it doesn't, after all, include
any humans). I don't think you could make that kind of statement in an
academic paper based on the data. But quite clearly.. to hear you tell it..
it is the most obvious thing imaginable and only a fool wouldn't see how
clear it is. Your duck drawing was really clever.. but I still don't see
your overwhelming evidence. Maybe I am stupid.

There is no doubt it is successful, I never denied that. I just questioned
whether it is the panacea of go programming and all we need is hardware. I
thinking questioning a potential problem is a bit different from declaring
that it has a problem. Your burden of proof argument could lie with you. I
would wager that a large portion of the go/computer go world think computers
ain't gonna do it anytime soon. If you look at the game records... computer
go hasn't been doing so well. So now you present new evidence but it is in a
very early stage. Perhaps it is you that would need to prove your belief..
not me. Of course... we are on a mailing list so you don't have to prove
anything to me. But earlier you made it quite clear that you don't need to
prove anything... that I have the complete burden of proof. If you published
a paper on this topic.. does that mean that the burden of proof against your
paper lies with the whole academic community? I would hope that you would
have to defend your paper... instead of everyone else having to prove you
wrong. (You very easily could be right.... but I questioned your certainty).

Unless you want to more calmly discuss this... and are willing to accept
some sort of possibility that you are not 100% correct... I don't think we
need to continue this. It is increasing both of our blood pressures and I am
sure many people on the list find the whole discussion annoying. And feel
free to send one more rant my way... I won't respond unless it is civil..
but at least you can feel I didn't have the last word.

To anyone who did find this whole deal annoying.. I apologize.
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