Sorry, but I can't let this statement go past.  The go programs in the 90s
did local search, but not much global search.  For example Many Faces did a
one ply global search, with a variable depth quiescence search.  I added an
alpha-beta search to Many Faces last year, and it made a huge improvement in
strength.  So it is not true that alpha-beta pruning hit a roadblock.


For me, the big advantage of UCT/MC is that it eliminates the huge, slow,
buggy evaluation function.  Simple playouts are much much easier to make bug
free.  Bugs in the evaluation function caused many losses, and are almost
impossible to eliminate in traditional programs, since the evaluation
functions are so complex.





It seems that alpha/beta pruning hit a roadblock a long time ago in go. Now
we have MC... which as you increase the number of samples.. you start to get
closer to an equivalent alpha/beta. But... there are still huge groups of
samples that are not checked... and if you want to somehow prove you have
the best move... how will you do it? Will you make the sample size
equivalent to the number of possible samples? How will you do this
practically? You can only state with a certain confidence that you did make
the best move and this would be bound by our computational resources.


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