I think a computer would play this variant well if k was small.

To make the move generation consistent, the first move should be played
as if there was a previous move to the center perhaps.  

Ladders would probably still be an issue.  

- Don

On Tue, 2008-11-18 at 23:20 +0100, "Ingo Althöfer" wrote:
> Hello,
> one of the basic problems of go newbies
> is their tendency to place the next stone 
> near to the latest stone of the opponent.
> Sometimes this is called the "2-inch heuristic
> of beginners".
> What do you think about a formalized variant
> of Go with one-sided distance-k rule?
> > Let k be some natural number.
> > The normal rules of Go hold, except for one thing:
> > When possible, White has to place his next stone
> > within distance k (in city-block metric) of the latest
> > stone of Black. If there is no feasible move of this type
> > the stone has to be placed within the smallest
> > possible city-block distance of the latest stone of
> > Black. White may pass at any time.  Example:
> > On 19x19 board k=36 would mean no restriction at all.)
> * What should be fair values of komi(k) or fair numbers
>   of handicap stones?
> * Main question: How strong would MCTS-based programs be in this variant(s)?
> * Would computers be stronger than humans for certain values of k?
> Ingo.

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