I assumed the rules were symmetric, in that black also had to place his stones 
within distance k to white's last move.

steve uurtamo wrote:
for small k, this should give a massive advantage to black.

the additional requirement that white place a stone within the
smallest cityblock distance of the last stone whenever he has
no valid move within distance k of black's last move is an even more
substantial advantage for black.  i'm thinking that black can set
up situations that cause white to make bad shape.  if not, it's
an unimportant rule, but otherwise it's a big advantage to black.

just my $0.02.


On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 5:20 PM, "Ingo Althöfer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

one of the basic problems of go newbies
is their tendency to place the next stone
near to the latest stone of the opponent.
Sometimes this is called the "2-inch heuristic
of beginners".

What do you think about a formalized variant
of Go with one-sided distance-k rule?

Let k be some natural number.
The normal rules of Go hold, except for one thing:
When possible, White has to place his next stone
within distance k (in city-block metric) of the latest
stone of Black. If there is no feasible move of this type
the stone has to be placed within the smallest
possible city-block distance of the latest stone of
Black. White may pass at any time.  Example:
On 19x19 board k=36 would mean no restriction at all.)
* What should be fair values of komi(k) or fair numbers
 of handicap stones?

* Main question: How strong would MCTS-based programs be in this variant(s)?

* Would computers be stronger than humans for certain values of k?


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