Speaking of hex ... I really think it would be a nice intermediary game before 
tackling the complexity of go. Do you know of any good community (and protocol 
equivalent to GTP) where i could start to look for submitting a bot ?

> Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2008 11:04:07 -0800
> To: computer-go@computer-go.org
> Subject: [computer-go] Re: flash crowd from TV
> >
> >That's impressive, especially considering the fairly long search path 
> >between "Go" and "igowin".
> It happens.  One day recently I was idling at boardspace.net, when
> in the course a few minutes the site was overrun by about 30 guests,
> all speaking German and wanting to play Hex.   It turned out that 
> "A Beautiful Mind" was showing on German TV.
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