On Wed, 2008-12-03 at 11:24 -0200, Mark Boon wrote:
> If this is because I use Java, then  
> Don's concise C implementation of the MC-AMAF bot should be a lot  
> faster than my bloated Java version.

I don't remember the numbers, but my own java and C implementation were
written in the same style - same basic data structure and just about the
only difference was language.   I did do some kind of list trick using
pointers than you cannot do in java, at least not easily and efficiently
but I don't think it made that much of a difference.

The Java version was not that bad for speed compared to C, I think C was
something like 2/3 of the speed or close to that.    But if you got into
heavy duty data structures Java hurts - you won't get as big a tree in
Java for instance and I'm sure caching will be a bigger issue.

- Don

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