Well, Amen! As Don Dailey said, researchers probably would have concluded that 
MC was not worth doing, if they had been using the computers of ten or fifteen 
years back.

Looking forward, computer power equivalent to that rig lashed together with 8 
PS3s or GPUs or FPGAs, or some combination thereof, will be available on your 
desktop in ten or fifteen years. Last year, a quadcore cost about $800; this 
year, the price is about half that. Intel and AMD roadmaps show 6- and 8-core 
computers coming soon. Apple is working on Open CL, which could it make it 
easier to tap the GPU. Tesla GPU boards are within the budget of many 
researchers. The algorithms which best exploit the power of large clusters - 
especially of non-von Neumann architectures - have yet to be discovered. 

I'm glad researchers are experimenting with funky clusters to improve Go 
programs. Lots of variation and selective pressure can only improve the state 
of the art. If somebody wins all the tournaments, others must tweak their 
parameters and optimize their code to stay in the game.

David Fotland recently spent six months doing a great deal of work to improve 
Many Faces of Go, grafting MC-based code to his traditional-style engine. His 
program advanced four or five kyu. If MC programs were not winning 
competitions, would he have put in all that time and effort? Mr Fotland is now 
tweaking his program to scale well on n>32 processors - could he be thinking 
about Moore's  Law bringing manycore computers within reach of more and more 
enthusiasts within a decade? The Mogo team and others are likewise using as 
much computer power as they can; more power to them!

IBM once spent a million dollars  to build Deep Blue, which beat Kasparov in 
the game of Chess. Today, I suspect that an "ordinary" quadcore with a top 
program could play as well. Here's hoping that, in a decade or two, our newest 
desktops play a pro-level game of Go.

I'm hoping that some research departments think of these projects as a good way 
to train today's students to wrap their brains around the task of developing 
for manycore architectures.

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