On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 8:52 PM, Michael Goetze <mgoe...@mgoetze.net> wrote:
> I wish people would stop spreading such incorrect information. The
> correlation between professional ranks and playing strength is quite bad,
> and EGF 7dans are not, generally speaking, professional strength.

I'm not claiming to be an authority on the matter, but I beg to
differ. Name me an EGF 7-dan that's not professional level. And then
explain how come they are listed among players that are anywhere from
1p to 5p in different Asian countries. I used to be an EGF 6-dan and
have beaten top 9p players with 3 stones on occasion. For a while I
had a Japanese 2p teacher but stopped taking lessons when I started to
beat him on black pretty consistently. That was when I was still
5-dan. So I don't think it's so far off to say 7-dan amateur is pro

The main problem is that ranks of different countries differ
considerably, even for professionals. I also think as an amateur my
chances would have been much lower had there been anything at stake
for the pro.

But it's little use to quible about it. If CrazyStone is 1-dan or
more, it will become clear sooner or later. It's just a matter of time
and enough games.

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