2009/1/21 Olivier Teytaud <olivier.teyt...@lri.fr>

> Of course you can do put much more clever prior if you are a player and
>> know the subtleties of the game.
> E.g. patterns extracted from databases - but it's not enough, carefully
> tune the coefficients for "empty triangles" (important!) and various other
> importants patterns/rules (don't just keep the empirical probabilities from
> datasets as coefficients). I'm afraid the coefficients are very
> implementation-dependent unless the bandit and the random player are
> specified with
> a lot of details.
> You can put an exploration term, but the cases where it is needed are rare.
>> I did a lot of experiments on that, and even at long thinking time, no
>> exploration term was always better (statistically).
> Well, now mogo has an exploration term - but not at all UCB-like.

I was talking about times where I was still there ... ages ago :)

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