I made some tests:

-Creation&joining of threads is almost free; on my system it takes about 0.003s 
to create&join 8 threads.
-when allocating, writing to and deallocating 100'000 nodes without RAVE values 
(about 25 byte each), it
takes about 0.025s (almost free considering this is about 1/40-1/400 of the 
total thinking time).
-when doing the same with nodes with rave values (I considered 1600 byte 
average each), it takes about 0.3s.

So indeed, it might be useful to keep a pool of the big nodes, but I wouldn't 
bother with smaller arrays.
How do you think this pool should be made? I don't want the threads to step on 
each other's toes. :)


-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Tue, 20 Jan 2009 19:17:06 +0100
> Von: Sylvain Gelly <sylvain.ge...@m4x.org>
> An: computer-go <computer-go@computer-go.org>
> Betreff: Re: [computer-go] RAVE and memory allocation considerations

> Hi,
> You should really look into never deallocate memory (by calling
> delete/free)
> but keeping it in some memory pool. I did that for the main objects that
> you
> deal with: nodes and "small vectors" (the one you create on the fly to
> keep
> the moves that have been played in the playout). It really speeds up
> things
> a lot.
> Apart from that, I did the same as you, creating the thread after the
> genmove and joining them at the end of the thinking time.
> Sylvain
> 2009/1/20 Isaac Deutsch <i...@gmx.ch>
> > Thanks again for your pseudo-implementation, Sylvain.
> >
> > At the moment I have a program that uses plain MCTS. With every genmove,
> it
> > creates a certain number of
> > threads (2), gives them some starting data, and lets them think for a
> > while, then rejoins them, extracting the
> > best move. During the thinking, the threads build a normal UCT tree. At
> the
> > beginning, they allocate a
> > certain number of nodes (100'000 as of now) and delete the nodes when
> > thinking has finished.
> >
> > To add RAVE to this, each node would need up to size*size additional
> values
> > for RAVE. I thought about
> > allocating this memory when children are added (which seems logical to
> me),
> > and deleting it also at the end
> > of the thinking time. However, this seems (I don't have any data) *slow*
> to
> > me , to allocate up to ˜50 MB of
> > RAM every time, then destroying it again afterwards.
> >
> > Do you think the spent allocating could be critical?
> > What do you think would be a good way to deal with this? I think to
> avoid
> > the continuous allocation/deallocation,
> > it's necessary to keep the threads running instead of creating/joining
> them
> > for each genmove. This would
> > allow them to only have to alloc/dealloc when the board size is changed.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Isaac
> > --
> > Psssst! Schon vom neuen GMX MultiMessenger gehört? Der kann`s mit
> allen:
> > http://www.gmx.net/de/go/multimessenger
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