
The "criticality" stuff looks really interesting. Do you apply it with the
offline knowledge, or as a RAVE prior value, or otherwise? It looks like
you precalculate (before the MTCS) the ownership + criticality map, maybe
it can be extracted from playouts in the MTCS as well?


-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Sun, 01 Feb 2009 11:01:12 +0100
> Von: "Rémi Coulom" <remi.cou...@univ-lille3.fr>
> An: computer-go <computer-go@computer-go.org>
> Betreff: [computer-go] JFFoS + Criticality Heuristic + Parameter Optimization

> Hi,
> I have just come back from a trip to Japan. I was invited to give 
> presentation at the JFFoS Symposium and the UEC. You can now find slides 
> of my presentations on my web page:
> "The Monte-Carlo Revolution in Go"
> http://remi.coulom.free.fr/JFFoS/JFFoS.pdf
> (Nothing new here. A simple presentation for a general audience)
> "Criticality: a Monte-Carlo Heuristic for Go Programs"
> http://remi.coulom.free.fr/Criticality/
> "Local Quadratic Logistic Regression for Stochastic Optimization of 
> Parameters"
> http://remi.coulom.free.fr/QLR/
> (This is work in progress. I will very soon update that page with a more 
> detailed paper that I will submit to ACG 12)
> I thank all the persons at JFFoS and UEC who invited me.
> Rémi
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