On Mon, 2009-02-02 at 18:09 +0100, Isaac Deutsch wrote:
> "I don't think many people realize that you have to play hundreds of
> games just to be within 40 or 50 ELO with much certainty.   If you
> play
> less than 100 games you could easily be off by over 100 ELO."
> Maybe I'm a bit (a lot :) impatient, but I try to make a rough guess
> after
> about 150-200 games, which is about 1-2 days of letting the program
> run on
> the server. I think it's possible to say after 150 games that RAVE did
> not
> give me a 300 ELO boost.

You already reported 75 ELO improvement.  Gelly said you should get

So you are only about 125 off of Gelly's lower bound (which sounded like
a rough guess to me.)   So you have a lot of uncertainty here and only
150 games.   

Of course this is plenty enough to suspect a problem and investigate,
but it's not enough to conclude that you surely did something wrong.

How much did you test the version that doesn't have this change?   You
have 3 sources of slop here:

  1. Gelly's rough estimate of how much you should get. 
  2. The rating uncertainty of the unmodified program.
  3. The rating uncertainty of the modified program.

- Don


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