On Feb 2, 2009, at 2:19 PM, Rémi Coulom wrote:

Mark Boon wrote:
I think I've seen people post about playing with Japanese rules in relation to MC programs. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think I saw people do some adjustment in that case. Does that mean they actually use Chinese scoring internally?


computer-go mailing list
Yes. The recipe is:

- play as usual with Chinese rules,
- take a one-point security margin with respect to komi,
- pass as soon as the opponent passes.

You also have to be careful to score seki the Japanese way in the playouts. This is the most difficult part. If your playouts don't understand seki, then you can just ignore seki, or take more than one point of security margin if you wish to be safe.

Yes, I can see that seki would be the tricky part. You need to adjust somehow for (false) eyes in the seki, as they are not scored with Japanese rules.

Other than that, I'd take a different approach:

- play out as usual. Instead of counting stones + eyes on the board, you count eyes + prisoners + nr-opponent's passes during playout.
- don't count passes outside of playout.

I think this avoids having to take a security margin or require passing as soon as the opponent does (although in practice that may happen almost all the time). The seki-matter is the same.

Did I overlook something?


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