This code should work with "r -= weights[i++]" in the loop body, and comes down 
to a linear search through
cumulative sum of the weights.  If the weights will be static for a number of 
selections, you can store the
cumulative weights in an array and use binary search for selecting the move.  
So setting up the table is O(n),
but selecting moves based on those weights is O(log n).

If the weights are constantly being updated, there's a tradeoff between Peter's 
code and the tree-based approach:
Peter's code is O(1) for updating weights and O(n) for selections, while the 
tree-based approach is O(log n) for updates
and selections.

[You can get practically quicker selection using Peter's code if you keep the 
weights sorted in decreasing order, but then updates
become O(n) worst-case (probably O(1) amortized, though).]


On Thu, 16 Jul 2009, Don Dailey wrote:

In the loop i is always zero.   I think your code is wrong.

You probably meant to loop over all the weights (or I should say on average 
half the weights),  and this code is slow if there are a lot of weights.

2009/7/16 Peter Drake <>
      I must be missing something. Isn't the obvious trick:
int r = random(<sum of weights>);
int i = 0;
while (r > weights[i]) {
r -= weights[i];
return i;

This way, you only have to generate one random number.

Peter Drake

On Jul 15, 2009, at 8:55 PM, Zach Wegner wrote:

      On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 10:37 PM, David Fotland<> 
            So many complex ideas :)  Why not just multiply the weight of each 

            by a random number and pick the biggest result?


      That involves generating N random numbers and then doing N-1
      comparisons. The n-ary tree has only 1 random number and log N
      comparisons, but has to be
      incrementally updated (log N adds).

      Also, I don't think the distribution is the same. Imagine two moves a
      and b, with weights 2 and 1. The probabilities should be a=2/3 b=1/3,
      but if you select two random numbers in a finite range, there's only a
      1/4 chance that the second number is more than twice the first, which
      is needed for b to be selected. I could be wrong here though.

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