I'm about to implement this. Since I have multiple features (patterns, is in atari, is adjacent to last play, etc.), the weight is the product of the weight of all matching features.

I'm thinking about having a table of weights, storing the sum of each row and the total (like Rémi suggested). I want to do this incrementally, so if I find a new feature match in a position, I can multiply its weight by the feature's weight. If I remove a feature, I can divide.

My question/problem: How do I deal with features that have a weight of zero? I'm sure there are certain 3x3 patterns that have the weight zero, such as


with * to be played. It's clear that when this pattern matches, the total weight is set to zero. How do I find the resulting weight when removing this pattern, though? Since I can't divide by zero, I would have to reconstruct the weight by checking all features, which would be relatively slow. Is there a way this can be avoided, such as setting all weights to a very low value instead of zero?

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