Objective C to C is really seamless.  There is no glue code or anything
special between the Objective C GUI code and my C-language go engine in the
iPhone app.  Just include the headers and call the functions.  The Objective
C syntax looks a little odd at first, but there is not much to learn.
Learning the Mac GUI libraries takes far more time.





>From what I've read so far it sounds like Objective C 2.0 offers many of the
things I like about Java. And then it offers a few niceties Java doesn't
offer (yet). It also claims a seamless connection to C-code. Java and C# can
call into C-code, but doing it right is so much work you'd think twice
before doing it unless you have a substantial library that stands on its
own. If it's really seamless there's little that stops you from sticking in
a few small routines in plain C that are optimized to the bone.




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