>You have inspired me to put Many Faces back on cgos, both 9x9 and 19x19,
>using just one core on each, so it doesn't take much of my computing

It will be wonderful to have an omnipresent omniscient opponent again. :-)

>I'd suggest you put Pebbles on 19x19 also.

Pebbles and Many Faces are in different phases of life. Pebbles is immature,
but its behavior is appropriate for its age. :-) I have to upgrade many of
the underlying data structures. Playing on 19x19 seems pointless at present.

Considering that I spent more time reading this forum than I spend writing
code, it will probably take a while. :-(

>My 19x19 engine is much stronger
>than it was a year ago, while my 9x9 is about the same, so there is a lot
>progress to be made in playing go that can't be discovered on 9x9.

The improvement in 19x19 Many Faces is quite noticeable. No doubt it is the
result of focusing on that aspect.

>I test against gnugo for a fast opponent to give quick regressions after
>every change, since I like to play 1000 games or more.

This is a common pattern. I should probably do that, at least occasionally.

I wonder: is the value dimished when you win 94% of your games? 500 games
against Fuego would take the same amount of time and perhaps yield better

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