I haven't tested this, but my feeling is that it's better to test against
gnugo because it doesn't use uct/mc, so it has a very different style.  But
mainly, I'm all set up with automated gnugo testing and it would take some
number of hours to convert to fuego.  There is always something to code and
try that I would rather work on.

My gnugo regression in on 19x19, so I'm only winning about 85% (with 10K
playouts per move).


> >I test against gnugo for a fast opponent to give quick regressions after
> >every change, since I like to play 1000 games or more.
> This is a common pattern. I should probably do that, at least
> occasionally.
> I wonder: is the value dimished when you win 94% of your games? 500 games
> against Fuego would take the same amount of time and perhaps yield better
> insight.

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