On Sun, Dec 13, 2009 at 07:08:54PM +0100, Denis fidaali wrote:
> 2/ If parent.visit > 1000, pick a move according to UCT policy, if 
> parent.visit<=1000 pick up a move with light playout policy. 

This is a curious rule, does any actual existing bot use a rule like
this? It seems immensely ineffective.

> I think once we agree about 1/ and 2/, we can build reference for pure UCT 
> light-Playout bots.

There already are UCT reference bots, aren't there?
I personally think it's best to follow the seminal papers or existing
implementations with code available.

>  2/ If parent.visit > 1000, pick a move according to UCT policy (winrate 
> would be (realVisit* realWinRate + AMAFwinRate)/(realVisit+1)), if
> parent.visit<=1000 pick up a move according to AMAF light playout policy.

I've found that AMAF gives very little boost with light playouts,
you really need something fairly meaningful already to get any kind
of real boost. To have at least 10% chance of beating GNUGo with
reasonable time per game (to be able to play-test your bot), I think
you can't avoid doing a lot more than plain UCT + AMAF + light playouts.

                                Petr "Pasky" Baudis
A lot of people have my books on their bookshelves.
That's the problem, they need to read them. -- Don Knuth
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