
There are things a CNN could probably do well, if only we had the right
database to train it. I have in mind these two possibilities:
 * using a CNN as an evaluation function,
 * using a CNN to estimate "ownership" for each point (i.e., a number
between -1 and 1 that is an estimate of who is going to end up scoring it).

So we need a large set of positions labelled with a final score for the
game and who ended up scoring each point.

I believe the right database to use for this purpose would consist of
positions from games played by strong computer opponents which play to
maximize score and which play to the bitter end, passing only when the
opponent has no dead stones left on the board.

I would like to know if you think this would be an interesting resource to
have, if you have any recommendations on what engine(s) to use and if you
would be willing to collaborate in creating it. Any other comments are
welcome too, of course.

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