Petr Baudis <pasky <at>> writes:

> I think a presentation of paper describing your system would find a very
> interested audience.

> If the system goes through sufficient prior testing, I think deploying
> it on EGC2015 would be truly awesome and I would be glad to support it.

Hi again!
I'm glad to let everyone know that:
- version 2.1 of PhotoKifu was released last week; we're now working on
version 2.5.
- Pisa's organizers agreed on letting us take pictures (or movies, we'll
decide later) of some games. One of the players will also contribute (he
wants to take the pictures himself); others will probably join later on.
- in the next days we'll make a movie of PhotoKifu analyzing a game we
recorded two years ago at the David tournament, and will post it on YouTube;
- the paper is on its way, and hopefully will be ready at the end of March.

mr. Andrea Carta

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