Can't speak to current go programs, but there's lots of exciting stuff
going on currently with machine learning / deep neural networks, most of
which uses GPUs heavily. I know some research has been done on
convolutional neural networks for Go -- don't have any links handy at the
moment though.

Recommend getting a recent vintage NVIDIA gpu (for CUDA support). Say, a
780 or 980. Either of these would be fine for your visualization purposes
as well.

On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 1:18 PM, Darren Cook <> wrote:

> I wondered if any of the current go programs are using GPUs.
> If yes, what is good to look for in a GPU? Links to essential reading on
> this topic would be welcome. (*)
> If not, is there some hardware breakthrough being waited for, or some
> algorithmic one?
> Darren
> *: After many years of being happy with built-in graphics, I'm now
> thinking to get a "gaming" PC, to show off some WebGL data
> visualizations. Assuming the cost is in the same ballpark, I thought I'd
> get one that would allow some scientific computing experiments too.
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