For those who want to try their luck at the nice board, even without
knowing German:

-- Gonçalo

On 01/03/2016 01:29, "Ingo Althöfer" wrote:
> Hebsacker-Verlag is the leading German provider of Go equipment.
> They have initiated a poll on the forthcoming man-machine match.
> So far 278 people have voted. The distribution of expected
> scores is:
> Lee Sedol wins by 5-0: 34.2 %
> Lee Sedol wins by 4-1: 29.1 %
> Lee Sedol wins by 3-2: 12.2 %
> total: 75.5 %
> AlphaGo wins by 3-2: 7.2 %
> AlphaGo wins by 4-1: 9.4 %
> AlphaGo wins by 5-0: 7.9 %
> total: 24.5 %
> Amongst those "predicting the correct score" a nice
> go board (valued 380 Euro) is raffled.
> Ingo.
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