thank you Robert, Petr and Michael for sharing;  i have to admit i was
surprised by the number of joseki tutors out there; i vaguely remember
it was all started by smartgo, wasn't it?  btw, does smartgo run
properly under wine on Linux?

I am bemused by josekipedia's use of vox populi to vote for the
"ideal" move; in this respect, it's a human-world version of
Monte-Carlo :)  PS i don't know about you, but i only want to see
which choices are good - i don't care about the bad choices, i can
make those by myself!

just imagine if all the joseki tool tutor creators were to get
together with some usability experts and jointly produce an offline
Multivarsity [1] tutor with satnav-style voiceovers instead of text
that could be downloaded and integrated into a playing client, so
klutzes like me could learn as we do, instead of doing and learning
being separate activities, or clumsily having to flip between one
window and another (perhaps it would be easier with two screens,
keyboards and mice, one in each hand like a pianist!).

back in the Mediaeval days, there were no schools whipping kids like
slave-sheep into mindset corrals, and youngsters learned trade skills
by serving apprenticeships in a meaningful environment, learning as
they were doing.  i was one of the last lucky few, having been able to
earn the princely sum of 325 quid pa as a programming apprentice at
age 16 [aside: Marconi Research Labs Automation Division that hired me
rented me out to Radar Division (the contract holder) for 5 grand pa -
by the end of the project i was engaged on, Radar Division had made a
loss whereas Automation Division had made a profit.... but i can't
take all the credit for that! :) ]

when i look at what has happened to the education system in the last
30 years, i cannot but weep for the young at how capitalism and
competition forcing mother and daughter to work for the yankee dollar
has turned the school systems of the world from a service to the poor
to a disservice of servitude for all but the rich in which kids are
treated like stones on the board being played by players who only want
to beat each other at their game of trying to be number 1 on some
arbitrary ladder of arbitrary metrics derived from arbitrary marking
of arbitrary examinations on arbitrary content.

perhaps computers can come to the rescue in education as well as in
Go, as more and more routine operations - such as choosing a joseki -
can be automated.


Addendum:  edited copy of my previously posted functionality wishlist,
for consideration by tutor programmers:

the thing about josekis is not where you start, nor even where you
step, but where you end up

i'd love to have a joseki tutor sitting inside a game playing client which could
assist me by offerring the following information display and
navigation functions:

- click on last move to initiate a matchup with the tutor and start an overlay
flip-through by spacebar of just the endpoints of the main lines of
variations starting from there, so i can see which variation would
suit the game position i am in. that way i can start to learn where
josekis end instead of just where they start and how they branch.

the endpoints of the main lines of alternate lines can be viewed by
spacebar after navigating:

- right/left arrows crawl forward/back along a branch
- up/down arrows jump up/down to the start of the next variation up or
down (think of the tree as being laid out sideways), regardless of
wherever you are on a branch.

- Enter on first move of variation being shown to make its move on the
- esc to return to own play mode.

i am unaware of any existing client/editor/tutor that has these
variation visualisation and
navigation buttons in just the way i have described.

usability is inversely proportional to programmability; my suggestions
would make life
easy for users but be a bit of work for a developer.
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