Yes sounds about right. Will take a look at the scoring tonight, thanks!

On July 14, 2017 at 5:39:04 am +02:00, Vincent Richard 
<> wrote:

> I have never tried Atari go, but every single time I have experienced a MCTS 
> playing random, it was either:
> - A bug in the MC policy (wrong distribution, rotated, etc)
> - A bug in the scoring function/branch update
> Since your bot can play 9x9 I guess it's the second. Ofc it's easy to know 
> the winner, but if by any chance the information is reverted in the branch 
> update the bot will try to play as bad as possible.
> You can even test this with the original code. Instead of returning the final 
> score, simply return the first player who captured in the game.
> -------- Message original --------
> Objet : [Computer-go] Atari Go
> De : Andreas Persson
> À :
> Cc :
> > Hi, toying with Don Dailey's old reference bot (pure monte carlo). Trying 
> > to make it play Atari Go,
> > 
> > it plays decent regular Go on a 9x9 but not well at all when trying to make 
> > it play Atari Go. I try ending each playout as soon as a capture is made 
> > and score the moves with amaf. This leads to almost random play even with a 
> > big number of playouts. Anyone tried making a Atari Go monte carlo player, 
> > anything obvious I am missing?
> > 
> > Regards Andreas
> > 
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