
Slightly off-topic but I'm hoping there are Go-lovers out there who
may be interested. Especially as it looks to my untrained eyes that
Ataxx and Go are somewhat similar.

Ataxx has been around for a while. Strangely enough there was no real
community around it for developing an AI like the Chess and Go games
have. There have been plenty of GUI implementations of it, but no
machine against machine battles.

That has changed. On IRC, we have ##chessprogramming (on
webchat.freenode.net) in which people mostly discuss Ataxx (yes). Also a
website has been put up that will discuss how to make an Ataxx-AI (like
the Chess Programming Wiki): https://www.ataxx.org

I'm hoping others will chime in with their implementation of Ataxx and
start the battle with us!

Folkert van Heusden

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