Only the last game had full use of better hardware, since it used a 64 bit
version with more total memory.  If the time used is available we should see
that Many Faces used much more time on the last game.


[] On Behalf Of Petri Pitkanen
Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2010 12:08 AM
Subject: Re: [Computer-go] News on Tromp-Cook ?


In last game it did not look like he was taking it easy :) I think Lower
left B was in real trouble. With my crappy tactival skill I thought that W
could have killed 4 black stones and saved his huge corner group. That would
have been swing of 40 points minimum.

So MFoG fights well most of the time then makes easy mistakes. Usually by
making Tenuki. I have some similar feeling playing MAnyFaces  on my laptop.
Every now and then I escape local disasters because something on global
scale seems to be more important - and some time it really is.

 But still huge effort to really challenge European 2d on a even game. Not
something that could have happened 5 years ago. 

2010/12/29 Mark Boon <>

On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 11:37 AM, Darren Cook <> wrote:

> John didn't notice much difference in the better hardware (*) used on
> day 2 (about 20,000 playouts/second, instead of 10,000 I was getting on
> my notebook).

Interesting. I wasn't aware the hardware was better for day 2. But I
did have a distinct feeling the computer was playing better the last
two games. I was even wondering if John had started to take it easy
after the first two easy wins.


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