On 12/30/2010 01:58 PM, David Fotland wrote:
You should also give more credit to CrazyStone as an early strong program
that contributed many ideas, comparable to Mogo.  Remi is Aja's advisor, so
Erica continues the CrazyStone thread.

I did mention CrazyStone, and the Sensei's page lists it first as the program that "started the new wave of MCTS programs by winning the 9x9 gold medal at the ICGA Computer Olympiad, in 2006." Like I said in my first message, though, it's hard to assign credit, and I don't mean to slight other programs.

However, MoGo was the program that really got people to sit up and take notice, because it started dominating all the KGS computer events and CGOS, and also was the first to extend that dominance from 9x9 to 19x19. I believe the biggest breakthroughs were made with MoGo (building, of course, on earlier ideas). This is easily verified by going back to the archives and seeing how many people patterned their program after MoGo.

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