Quoting David Ongaro <david.ong...@hamburg.de>:

Some say the discovery of MCTS had to come this late, because it needs computer power to be efficient. But I think this misses a great deal of the story. I'm sure todays MCTS programs can beat the hell out of expert system Go programs even on year 2000's hardware. Even though the time was ripe in 2006, I think with a more systematic approach in Go we could have get there much earlier. Therefore Rémis achievement cannot be overestimated.

I am running Valkyria3.5.9 on a Pentium4 2.8Ghz single core processor which is about 10 slower than a modern i7 running 4 threads.

From the current Bayes Elo rating

72      Valkyria3.5.9_P4Bx      2576    8       8       17664   77%     2173

Gnugo as the reference of the state of the art

374     gnugo-3.8-l10F          1839    7       6       31622   42%     1880

It took me a long time to beat gnugo on 9x9 with the help of MC-evaluation. The problem was I never discovered to do MC *Tree Search* in the way it is done today. This I have to thank Crazystone and Mogo for.

And with a modern standard i7 CPU

9       Valkyria3.5.17_4cx      2748    21      20      2696    85%     2261

one gets 200 Elo.

The thing was when I started doing MC-evaluation with the "wrong" tree search method it was extremely inefficient. I really needed a lot of faith in MC to continue working on. The idea was already there. But it took a lot of work on the simulations to get to a point where it showed how good the idea can be.

The latest version of Valkyria is almost rated 1000 Elo higher than gnugo. 200 Elo is hardware development during these years. Reaching gnugo strength is due to the search algorithm but the rest is to all the tewas patterns and heuristics in the heavy playouts.


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