On 01/09/2012 11:54 AM, Jim O'Flaherty, Jr. wrote:

Of course I am making this up. The point is that the assumption that
a single account is associated with exactly one human who is the same
human to play on that account. Additionally, there are those out
there in the human world who don't value rank variation near as much
as those creating bots might like or want. {smirk}

First of all, you're not allowed to share an account, and if the admins find out they'll derank you just as if you had been intentionally sandbagging.

Also, it's not just the bot creators that value the integrity of the rank system. As a KGS player, I report anybody when I find obvious cheating. I originally reported this player and I stand by it.

Bot bashing is rampant on KGS, and there are several people on KGS who feel like they are defending the honor of humanity. My guess is that this person took it too far.

This person spent all their time playing bots, had an amazing record against CrazyStone, and resigned several games in the middle where he had a lead or good chances against the Aya bots.

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