hm... I can't confirm that... I just ran a few tests, and I can do 10k
empty playouts 19x19 per second on 4 threats, and about 11-12k on 8 threats.
I did the test with only playouts, no treesearch, additional
patternmatching or anything. With treesearch, going to more then 4
searchthreats actually slows down my code, due to some blocking issues...
(This will be fixed, at some point)
But also during treesearch right now I'm using 4 dedicated search/playout
threats, and some other threats doing minor work. (nonblocking cleanup and
managment of the tree, checking gtpconsole etc)

So I guess it really depends on the implementation and everyone has to make
their own tests, how their bot does best.

2014-05-12 22:10 GMT+02:00 Matthew Woodcraft <>:

> Mikko Aarnos wrote:
> > There is a big difference here: Ellis's program can only do light
> > playouts. He doesn't have MCTS or patterns. That is parallelized
> > extremely simply by just giving each thread an internal board state,
> > doing a playout from that, resetting the board state to the
> > original, doing a playout etc. There are no bottlenecks there, and
> > that shouldn't get any increase in performance from HT as far as I
> > know(also see the first sentence of Schmicker's comment).
> I don't think that's right.
> I tried an experiment once with hyperthreading and 'light playouts' and
> I got a 40% improvement from using two threads per core.
> There are plenty of bottlenecks even in such simple code.
> For example, any time you do something equivalent to following a linked
> list (eg, finding the stones in a group that you're joining to another
> group) the thread will have to wait three or four cycles per 'link' even
> if all the data is in level-1 cache.
> One way to tell whether code is likely to benefit from hyperthreading is
> to use a tool that reports the processor's performance counters and look
> at the 'instructions per clock' measure. If it's somewhere around 1 then
> there are excellent chances of getting good results from hyperthreading.
> -M-
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