Hello Petr,

care to shed some light on what you would work on?

Not related to playing strength itself, but regarding bots as teaching
aids, I'd be very interested in a user-friendly interface to have
Pachi analyze games within a given time per move or game, mark
blunders, provide the best current move and perhaps output some
statistics considering the shifting winning percentages. Very similar
to what Chess engines do.

I remember someone looking into doing something like that with Pachi
on 9x9 over at L19, but I think there is some merit in expanding that
into a full-blown learning tool.


On Sun, Aug 3, 2014 at 3:13 PM, Petr Baudis <pa...@ucw.cz> wrote:
>   Hi!
> On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 06:33:31PM +0200, Michael Markefka wrote:
>> ... He has started a series where he plans to play
>> against successibely stronger bots on KGS and comments the games while
>> playing. The first video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6WyPTZNS4o)
>> features very basic bots, so the future videos are going to be more
>> interesting. One of his specific interests seems to be whether the
>> bots would be good teaching aids and could be recommended as such.
>   Thanks for letting us know.  Reading this actually prompted me to put
> Pachi on KGS again, and perhaps I'll even do some work on a few ideas
> throughout August. :-)
> --
>                                 Petr Baudis
>         Life is short, the craft long, opportunity fleeting, experiment
>         treacherous, judgment difficult.  -- Hippocrates
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