
On Tue, Aug 05, 2014 at 07:51:55PM +0200, Michael Markefka wrote:
> care to shed some light on what you would work on?

  Right now I've been fixing some bugs uncovered by recent Pachi play
and trying to finish some experiments from February.  (It seems that
when randomly choosing whether to apply a certain heuristic in a playout
or not (perhaps with 80% probability or such) it may be *slightly*
beneficial to actually do this decision once per playout for all the
moves in the playout.)  Nothing terribly interesting, but I'd like to
wrap up in-progress stuff and tag pachi-11.

  Other than that, I'd like to mostly revisit some old stuff that really
*ought* to have worked and brought great improvements, but never did.
Maybe I'll unearth some obvious bugs with fresh mindset. :-)  Generally,
I want to focus on the never-ending quest for algorithmic breakthroughs,
not small heuristic tweaks (...which is what again sucked me in last
weekend; it's tricky to resist!)

> Not related to playing strength itself, but regarding bots as teaching
> aids, I'd be very interested in a user-friendly interface to have
> Pachi analyze games within a given time per move or game, mark
> blunders, provide the best current move and perhaps output some
> statistics considering the shifting winning percentages. Very similar
> to what Chess engines do.

  I did some proof-of-concept work on this, described at


but it's just commandline scripts, definitely not user friendly.
Pachi also has a JSON "streaming" interface that contains details on
its thought processes.  And it would also be pretty easy to build
a CrazyStone-style web interface for Pachi, in principle.

  However, I'm unlikely to work on anything in this category personally,
at least not as a free-time activity.  I'll gladly support other
programmers that would like to have a stab on such a thing and I think
it'd be really awesome to build something like that, but for me there's
tons more work deeper down in Pachi.

> I remember someone looking into doing something like that with Pachi
> on 9x9 over at L19, but I think there is some merit in expanding that
> into a full-blown learning tool.

  I wish they'd have let me know... :)

                                Petr Baudis
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