As always, the choice of computer should reflect the kind of software that will be used. For people in the creative arts, most agencies and video houses use Macs. Creative software, even when cross-platform, is written better for Macs [fewer steps, more intuitive, with features built into the OS], except for 3D modeling and animation--good 3D programs are available for Macs, Unix, Windows.

For many other uses, it probably doesn't matter, as long as she can learn how to maintain and back up her system/files herself. Dell has very good notebooks [we use an Inspiron] ranging from bargain to outrageously expensive [and amazing]. MacBooks are very good [we have an iBook]. MacBook Pro notebooks have many more features and capabilities but cost 40% more.

With a PC, she can use software she already has. With a MacBook [Pro] she can use Windows software [with Bootcamp for dual boot, or Parallels emulator, or Codeweavers CrossoverMac] as well as the Mac software that's bundled.

Try out several notebook computers. Have her talk to friends about what they're using. She needs to go to stores that carry the notebooks she's considering so she can compare features, software, specs, then decide which one is right for her. Does she need a PC/Extreme card slot? Big display? Extended desktop? built-in camera? DVD burner? There are lots of considerations and choices. Then let her decide.


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