Not to treat your concerns lightly, but if your average kidnapper/terrorist in a "third world" country can't spot an American tourist 100 yards away, he must be pretty pretty blind. I am willing to bet money that the average 10 year old urchin in Khartoum/Baghdad/Bogotá/Tehran/etc. could tell you the nationality of 98 out of 100 foreigners in the local market on any given day. They don't need an RFID scanner.


Constance Warner wrote:
Sorry to be so paranoid, but--

Doesn't the presence of a passport RFID show that you are a U.S. citizen
to anybody who has the right equipment and who is looking for U.S.
citizens with purposes in mind that don't bode well for said citizens?
I would imagine that equipment to detect the passport RFID's can't be
that hard to buy, steal, or modify from similar equipment already in
use.  It's a long shot that a Bad Guy would use this modality to pick
out somebody to kill or kidnap, but I'm not sure it can be ruled out
completely.  Perhaps others on the list can weigh in on this, if it is a
potential hazard.

That having been said, I'm not sure what use the U.S. Government is
going to make of the RFID's, and whether there would be any consequences
if you showed up at an embassy or a consulate with an RFID that was MIA.
(I have relatives who travel abroad, but they have older passports
without RFID's, so I'm not worried about them in this respect.)

--Constance Warner

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