mike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:

It's not broken.  Works fine on windows, it's just a webmaster who is
shortsighted about his potential visitors.

Yes, it's broken.

The Internet is designed to be operating system and browser neutral, within reason. I don't expect webmasters to make sites compatible with 1994 browsers, but newer sites should be compatible with fairly current browsers and OS's, mostly following W3C standards.

Web developers who deliberately or ignorantly design sites that only work in Internet Exploder for Windows have broken sites. There's no IE for Macs beyond v.5 and no IE for Linux at all. IE for Windows 95/98 may not work with sites designed for IE/XP either. Designers with bad code deserve to lose visitor and money.

Yes, of course it's broken. Ask the webmaster to fix the site.


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