I use the latest Dragon, and I've found it light-years ahead of anything else I've ever tried. But I did need to "train" it with a half hour or so of reading a speech, and it's not 100 per cent accurate, especially with unusual words.

Based on my experience, here's a few of suggestions:

1. You'll probably find that your respondents belong to several general dialect groups. Find a speaker who is as close as possible to each of these groups, and have THEM "train" the software. (BTW, IU Bloomington is very strong in language departments; you might kidnap a few linguists from there to help you sort out the dialect groups of your speakers. I'm speaking as a former instructor at IUPUI who used to go down to Bloomington all the time to use the library there.)

2. Double-check the quality of your recordings before trying Dragon. You do need pretty distinct vocalizations for good results with Dragon; with poor quality recordings, you probably won't get very good results. Voice recognition software does very interesting things with indistinct speech and even incidental noises. (I once had some voice recognition software "transcribe" a thunderstorm. I turned off the computer as soon as I came back into the room, so I'll never know just what the thunderstorm had to say.)

3. Even with almost perfectly "trained" software, you'll still find lots of errors. You'll need to have somebody proofread your Dragon transcripts.

--Constance Warner

On Aug 2, 2007, at 9:55 AM, David Turk wrote:

Here's the set-up: We have hundreds of oral histories on cassette tape. I've successfully transferred some of these to CD using Audacity (freeware). We have several people transcribing these histories so we have written copies. Is there some speech recognition software we could use to for transcribing? I know it's not perfect, 7 might not work well with recorded voices, but thought I'd ask. We're looking at years of transcribing by hand. tia.


David Turk
Indiana Historical Society
450 W. Ohio St.
Indianapolis, IN  46202
(317) 232-4592

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