As the resident theologian or heretic (depending on who you ask) let me comment.

I have not read the article that was pulled from the Waco paper, but it does not surprise me. The acceptance of technology is difficult in a culture that wants to stay uninformed and uneducated (Oh by the way I live in Southern Alabama so I speak out of experience.) I belong to a church body that maintains in its beliefs the literal 6 day creation (now you know why some call me a heretic)

The south in general has resisted and been passed by, by technology. My youngest was just able to take courses on line the past school year. This was something new to these folks. Ten years ago (yes 10) my children in then elementary school could take satellite courses offered by a little rural school in Wisconsin (the graduating class averaged 25 students)! They think it is acceptable down here to let students do research and work on computers that for the most part have not been updated. (Many still run 95 or possibly 98SE)

So it does not surprise me that some would be offended by what Bill Nye said. They do not want to know any better.

Now with that being said it is possible that the way Bill said it offended them. I don't know I was not there to hear exactly what was being said.

Many folks do not know the history of the Bible (I do not mean the Bible itself, but how the Bible was put together) and have put worship of the Bible ahead of worship of what the Bible testifies too. It was never meant to be read and understood literally.

Yes this has a lot to do with computers, as computers are a tool. A tool that God has given us to use and make use of. It is what we can do with that tool that matters.

I read an article that the Lutheran Church of Sweden (A state church) recently refused to allow a churches Bell tower to be used to house a Wireless broadband transmitter for the community because they were concerned about what people would be able to do with that Internet connection (read on-line porn) Talk about being anti technology! (presently the town only has dial up access.)

When religion forgets what it is all about (pointing to God) it quits being religion and it starts being a god.


At 08:50 PM 8/18/2007, you wrote:
On Aug 18, 2007, at 8:29 PM, Jeff Morris wrote:

I know you don't care. I don't care that you don't care. I wanted to voice my opinion about it before I left. It's too bad...

For those of you who do stick to topic of computers and I know you are here...good luck and thank you for the help I have received here over the years.

Well, I guess I've done it now. That one post about Bill Nye must have been the proverbial straw.

I do wish the guy had read the story, though. He would have discovered what particularly interested me, and it was not how those few silly folks reacted in Waco. We have all seen or heard of that long ago, and there are some of them in any camp. The really interesting thing, and certainly related to computing, was how the Waco newspaper that first reported the event took the story down from their website in short order.

Maybe Mr. Morris would like to come back and be that moderator he says we need. If he does, I'll make sure to insert the word 'computer' into each paragraph at least once. Gosh, though, I do wish that he had spoken up sooner instead of waiting until the tolling of the bell. I think he enjoyed the computer talk here, but didn't like some of the people.


Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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