At 05:29 PM 8/18/07, Jeff Morris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm going to remove myself from membership from this list.


My question is a simple one. When did this list get hijacked by extremists who think it's a forum to insist on socialized medicine and to bash Christians?

I have a BETTER question. When did this list get hijacked by whining censors and Das Topikpolizei propagandists who use hyperbolic terms like "hijacked" and "extremists" and "bash?"

If the list had been hijacked, then, by definition, nobody else would be able to discuss anything the hijackers didn't want discussed. So, your characterization is just plain bizzonga. With flies all over it. I actually wanted to say "bullshit," which would have been more in character for me, but there's a kind of unwritten rule on this list that we keep those kinds of vulgarities to a minimum.

But, this time, I looked at that ol' unwritten rule, and I said, "Fuck it!"

What does that have to do with computers?

Who cares? If you don't like the subject of a post, then delete it, and leave the rest of us alone to read it, delete it, or respond to it, as WE choose.

For the record...I don't know any Christian who thinks the moon actually lights up. We don't think it's made of cheese either.

     What does that have to do with computers?

But it really doesn't matter, because this is a computer list, or at least it used to be.

     It still is, your opinion to the contrary notwithstanding.

My personal beliefs should never be discussed and neither should yours.

That's just YOUR personal belief. According to you, you shouldn't have discussed it. But, then, that's just MY personal belief.

Who cares what your political views are?

     Who wants to know, and why do you ask?

It's too bad.


I wish there was a moderator who would take control because I don't want to hear liberals spouting their lunacy any more than I want to read the extreme right venting theirs.

     That's just YOUR personal belief. Which you said you shouldn't discuss.

The fact of the matter is that you want to censor and control the content of an unmoderated list, which is the Internet equivalent of trying to divide by zero. The list is unmoderated, which means people can say whatever the hell they want, about whatever subject they want, and NOBODY has to read any given post, and NOBODY has to respond to any given post. If Steve wants to talk about theocrats in Waco, and nobody wants to engage him in that subject, then his thread will die a quick death. If people want to respond by discussing the interface (if any) of science and religion, then the thread will last until it finishes, or morphs into something else. You are free to delete every single post by Steve, if you want, and every single post by those who discuss the Bill Nye/Waco post, if you want. No part of that discussion will be at your expense. You don't have to read a word of it. BUT: You have no right to deprive those who enjoy that discussion the pleasure of it, simply because you have this infantile expectation that an unmoderated list is automatically supposed to conform to your subjectively pure and orthodox notion of it.

I want to learn more about computers, and I want to help others if I can.

Then why are you sulking and pouting that you are going to pick up your marbles and go home, just because you are powerless to prevent a discussion AMONG OTHERS, which discussion you are free to ignore with impunity?

It sounds like you are more interested in everybody talking about only YOUR PERSONAL narrow range of subjects, and nothing else, rather than being of "help" to anyone. You would rather control us than help us, it looks like, and, now that you have discovered you can't control us, you're going to take a powder.

     As Pee Wee Herman would say: "Reeeeal mature!"

A good moderator would insist that we stick to the topic.

That's just YOUR personal belief. Actually, a good moderator would have a witty, clever, pithy, and funny remark to make about Bill Nye, Waco theocrats, and/or Steve Rigby. He or she might even be vulgar.

I would be thrilled if that would happen.

     You must be easily entertained.

Obviously there isn't a moderator.

No, there isn't one. Instead, there are about 100 of us. We moderate the list en masse. And we do a pretty damned good job, too.

This is no place for me.

     That's just YOUR personal belief.

I know you don't care.

     No fair. You peeked.

I don't care that you don't care.

     Which is why you took pains to point it out.

I wanted to voice my opinion about it before I left.

     What does that have to do with computers?

It's too bad...

     As I see it, YOU are the piteous character here, and not us.

For those of you who do stick to topic of computers and I know you are here.

     Where? We need to root out this evil at the source.

good luck and thank you for the help I have received here over the years.

Any time. Don't mention it. Such gratitude might be just your personal belief, and we have it on good authority that one shouldn't discuss personal beliefs on a computer list.


Thinking clearly and logically is hard. If it were easy, everyone would do it.


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