Good point. I was assuming the users know where their critical data is. A very unrealistic assumption.

I think it would take less time to sort out their data into critical and not critical & then back up online than to spend time regularly trying to reliably back up everything locally.

But that would be a rational approach when the world really only behaves rationally occasionally ...

John DeCarlo wrote:
On Dec 12, 2007 2:48 PM, db <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

While average people have a lot of voluminous but not time critical data
such as digital photos,  usually the people's critical addressbook,
encrypted password list, banking, personal biz data, email etc. isn't
that substantial.

I would think backing up and restoring such online would be
realistically do-able.  ?

Depends on what you mean.

1.  If I, as a careful and meticulous user, have identified the most
important data on a day-to-day basis, and have a way of backing up and
restoring just that data, then I could probably back it up and restore it
across the Internet.

2.  If I, as a regular user, just backup all my hard drive and don't really
know what is most critical - how many of my PowerPoint files at 10-40 MB
each do I really need to restore today? - then I probably need to rely on
restoring all of it.  Then online restore isn't that practical.

3.  If I, as a regular user, had something transparently backing up all my
data, and could restore on an "as-needed" basis - so that when I click on a
video file of my wedding, or on a document, it tells me it hasn't restored
yet, but could do so in about 20 seconds (or 1 hour for the wedding video
maybe) - then I could do an effective restore over the Internet.  Of course,
this assumes that I can reinstall the OS and all the applications locally.

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