How differently each of us sees things.  I was forced into 1.5mbit
over a year ago and have been suffering ever since.  I can't do more
then one thing at a time.  I used to download all my podcasts in a
minute or so, now i'm waiting almost an hour for all of them to update
one or two at a time because there isn't enough bandwith to do them at
once.  If I have BT going forget it...I get knocked off *IRC* when I'm
on BT.  Let me rephrase...*I get knocked off IRC basically just text
chat* when I'm using BT.    Ridiculous I have to pay 25 a month for
this.  No email, no usenet.  Not that I can use a local POP account
anyway because downloading the msgs takes forever.  I've switched to
gmail and at the moment I write this, I'm in basic HTML view because
my bandwith is so bad gmail has asked if I want to switch from
standard view.



On 12/11/07, Mike Sloane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have Verizon DSL in northwestern NJ, and the service is excellent, no
> problems with voice interfering with date or visa versa. Neither Cable
> nor FIOS are option in my rural area, but I am more than satisfied with
> the line speed (about 1.5 mb/sec down and about half that up). And since
> I get voice and data over the same line, the price ends up being very
> reasonable. In the several years I have had the service, I have only
> lost service once, when a pole was hit by a car in an ice storm last
> year. I guess the quality of service in different parts of the country
> varies, and I am just lucky.
> Mike
> mike wrote:
> > I have DSL but not ATT DSL.  DSL is slower then cable, so if speed is what
> > you are after I'd stick with cable.  Also in my case, the line noise
> filters
> > don't work very well.  Qwest will do nothing about the lack of speed, line
> > noise or that I pay a horrendous amount for what I'm getting.
> >
> > Mike
> >
> > On Dec 11, 2007 9:01 AM, Paula Minor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >>        I had to call ATT for a question about my phone bill and they
> >> talked
> >> me into trying out their DSL internet.  It was cheaper than comcast
> >> cable so I agreed to try it out.  Does anyone have any experience
> >> with it?  Does it really work even if I"m on the phone at the same
> >> time I'm trying to access the 'net?  Have they been reliable?  I'm
> >> not ditching Comcast until I"m sure it works but I have only 30 days
> >> to cancel before I'm charged $99 for cancelling.  If they have a rep
> >> for giving you good service until AFTER the 30 days, I'd like to know.
> >> Thanks!
> >>
> >> Paula
> >> IN/USA
> >> Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of
> >> arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather
> >> to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, wine in the other, body
> >> thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "WOO HOO what a
> >> ride!" Have a wonderful day!
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