I wonder if this has anything to do with the competition from Open
Office and all those nifty little apps where you can--or could--go
online and create Office-compatible documents.  Quite a threat to
Microsloth, not having to pay Tribute to them just to conduct ordinary

Makes you long for the days of manual typewriters.  They were a pain,
but they were inexpensive and you didn't have to pay for them again,
over and over and over, every time the originating company wanted to
beef up their quarterly earnings.

--Constance Warner 

QUOTE: Office SP3 disables the ability to open 24 file formats. Not only
Office SP3 stop opening formats from competitors, it blocks files 
produced by the current version of Mac Office and even older versions of

Office for Windows. I guess MS has gotten sick and tired of people 
hanging on to older versions of Office. (Those looking for Office 
upgrades will also be pissed when they discover that their old versions 
have been declared not upgradable by MS.)

If my reading of their multiple, poorly written tech notes is correct it

won't even allow you to open TXT files.


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