John DeCarlo sez:

>I would call them and talk to a human.  Tell them you think you were the
>victim of a phishing attack and to stop activity on your account until you
>confirm you can get back in.
>Don't rely on anything else, not email, nothing.
>And ask them to check for activity, you will almost certainly be
>unpleasantly surprised.


Never, EVER answer email from eBay, PayPal, a bank, or any other
institution that you do business through. The majority of these places
have messages within their sites. Always log on through a secure
connection in your web browser -- using your own links and NOT the ones
provided in the email -- and see if there is a copy of the email you
received in your message box. 99% of the time, there will be none.

No legitimate (or even semi-legitimate) business will contact you
through email concerning account and other private information. You may
receive a notice asking you to log on and confirm things, but if so, you
do so through your own link and not any link provided in the email and
you should find a copy of the message in any messages their system has.
If there is no copy or there is no messaging system in the site, call
them and talk to a human if the request is bothering you. I just ignore
them if I log on and see everything is in order.

Michael Lewis
Off Balance Productions

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