This site allows you to see what is theoretically available.

On Feb 1, 2008 12:23 AM, Richard P. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I can pick up a couple of HD stations  from 44 miles away. My antenna is
> a compact outdoor UHF on a rotor. I imagine that with the largest UHF,
> receiving from 50  miles might be possible but you are getting close to
> transmission limits due to the curvature of the earth. At that point, a
> lot depends the transmitter tower's and also your antenna's elevation.
> Richard P.
> > I'd like to hear from people who have antennas that can pull in HD
> > stations 50 miles away. I live on the north shore of the Chesapeake
> > Bay, and we get both Philly and Baltimore stations, but only
> > pixellation on HD.
> > Is there an antenna that can pull in HD stations as far away as we
> > are? It's mostly flat between here and the TV stations' antennas.
> >
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