I should have been clearer for others...I think Tom knows what I meant.  But
if you for example, delete a podcast you subscribe to and then resubscribe
it will show you all podcasts it has.  This is what may go back days or
months or longer.  I learned a long time ago not to keep podcasts, they end
up taking up gigs of space in no time at all.  I used to kill email clients
by keeping rss feeds forever...over 100 feeds updating all day...i had tens
of thousands of msgs.  It's a bad habit I can't break I just transfer.  Now
I can't seem to delete all the twitter msgs on my phone.  Someone called
twitter the new irc...i still use the old irc.  I won't tell you i have irc
logs that go back to '93.  That would make me look like I have issues.


On Sun, Feb 24, 2008 at 3:54 PM, Tom Piwowar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >Some podcasts aren't indexed very far back.  I have some that go back
> over a
> >year, others go back a couple of weeks.
> Podcasts are ephemeral. It is not like stamp collecting. Listen and
> delete!
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